What's Your Story?: Discover the Man Behind Your Dad by Michael Lindstrom, Vincent Staniforth
What's Your Story?: Discover the Man Behind Your Dad by Michael Lindstrom, Vincent Staniforth PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
What’s Your Story is a compelling, inspiring guide for dads and their children. In turns provocative and playful, it lays out a path for fathers to share their stories. The results can be momentous.You see Mom for the first time—what happens next?
Is resilience something learned or something developed?
You’ve just had a perfect day—what happened?
If I could hear your voice telling me something every single morning I wake up and every night I go to bed, what would you say?
What’s Your Story fosters a powerful conversation between father and child. It encourages a dialogue that helps kids learn more about their dad—questions about their upbringing, belief systems and what stories they want to share with their family’s future generations. The authors offer a carefully crafted path designed to cultivate the sharing of a dad’s life stories and world view.
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