Rabu, 20 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Epigenetics: How Environment Shapes Our Genes by Richard C. Francis

Epigenetics: How Environment Shapes Our Genes by Richard C. Francis

Epigenetics: How Environment Shapes Our Genes

Epigenetics: How Environment Shapes Our Genes by Richard C. Francis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Goodbye, genetic blueprint. . . . The first book for general readers ?on the game-changing field of epigenetics.

The burgeoning new science of epigenetics offers a cornucopia of insights―some comforting, some frightening. For example, the male fetus may be especially vulnerable to certain common chemicals in our environment, in ways that damage not only his own sperm but also the sperm of his sons. And it’s epigenetics that causes identical twins to vary widely in their susceptibility to dementia and cancer. But here’s the good news: unlike mutations, epigenetic effects are reversible. Indeed, epigenetic engineering is the future of medicine. 18 illustrations

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