Jumat, 29 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Travelling Solo to Japan by Bettina Gutheridge

Travelling Solo to Japan by Bettina Gutheridge

Travelling Solo to Japan

Travelling Solo to Japan by Bettina Gutheridge PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Travelling SOLOs are exciting, colourful and informative new titles from Southwood Books. Aimed at 6 - 9 year-olds, it takes the reader on a detailed and colourfully illustrated journey through culture, history, geography and people. Lively diagrams and drawings illuminate aspects of modern and traditional life in this fascinating country. Subjects are chosen with an emphasis on what is interesting to young readers, and the clear design makes this series of books simple to read and enjoy. It contains an index, glossary, map and list of "did you know?" facts. Written and illustrated by the talented Bettina Guthridge.

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