Senin, 20 April 2015

PDF⋙ Percussion Recital: Keyboard Percussion, Book & CD (Percussion Recital Series) by Steve Houghton, George Nishigomi

Percussion Recital: Keyboard Percussion, Book & CD (Percussion Recital Series) by Steve Houghton, George Nishigomi

Percussion Recital: Keyboard Percussion, Book & CD (Percussion Recital Series)

Percussion Recital: Keyboard Percussion, Book & CD (Percussion Recital Series) by Steve Houghton, George Nishigomi PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A collection of five recital-type pieces that can be prepared in a short amount of time. The solos are very diverse, yet address many technical and musical aspects of the instrument. The CD accompaniments offer an array of exciting, contemporary tracks, using many styles and grooves. The solos vary in degree of difficulty so soloists can enjoy them at any level and gradually progress with their solo skills.

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Percussion Recital: Keyboard Percussion, Book & CD (Percussion Recital Series) by Steve Houghton, George Nishigomi Doc

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Percussion Recital: Keyboard Percussion, Book & CD (Percussion Recital Series) by Steve Houghton, George Nishigomi EPub

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