Minggu, 19 April 2015

PDF⋙ Commercial Perfume Bottles by Jacquelyne Jones-North, Jacquelyne Y Jones North

Commercial Perfume Bottles by Jacquelyne Jones-North, Jacquelyne Y Jones North

Commercial Perfume Bottles

Commercial Perfume Bottles by Jacquelyne Jones-North, Jacquelyne Y Jones North PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Comprehensive guide to collecting the past and present bottles used by perfumers. Beautiful color pictures of flacons made by R. Lalique, Baccarat, J. Viard, Brosse, A. Jollivet, Cristal Nancy, Wheaton, C. K. Benda, and Lucien Guillard. Figural, novelty dimestore, and bottles with the original packaging are shown. Lavishly illustrated with catalog and ad pictures. Histories of many famous perfume houses and bottle makers are included. A directory of hundreds of American and European perfumers from 1870 to the present, with the names of thousands of scents makes dating a bottle easier for the collector.

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