Paths of Individuation in Literature and Film: A Jungian Approach by Phyllis Berdt Kenevan
Paths of Individuation in Literature and Film: A Jungian Approach by Phyllis Berdt Kenevan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In his account of the individuation process, Carl G. Jung describes a spiritual goal for the individual as well as the collective. That process, as exemplified through archetypes in both literature and film, offers the reader insight into the variety and richness those paths may take. In this highly original book, Phyllis Berdt Kenevan provides an analysis of individuation and then explores four different individual paths of characters from Zorba the Greek, House of the Spirits, Crime and Punishment, and Bagdad Cafe. Kenevan then explores ways in which individuation can become a path for the collective, by analyzing My Dinner with Andr<#142>, Wings of Desire, and various Dostoevsky novels. An engaging and thought-provoking look at archetypes as vehicles for interpretation, Paths of Individuation in Literature and Film is a must read for courses in personal and social psychology, literary or film interpretation, Jung, and philosophy and psychology.From reader reviews:
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