Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ The Hunt by Ian Wishart, GORDON London

The Hunt by Ian Wishart, GORDON London

The Hunt

The Hunt by Ian Wishart, GORDON London PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

We hear so often the sad stories of abducted children. We never hear what happens when they are found 30 years later. She was a former fashion model and diplomat's wife. He was the British WW2 fighter ace-turned-criminal who seduced her. She attended garden parties with the Queen. He got her pregnant, then kidnapped her children. It's the case that made international headlines, that captured the attention of Sir Richard Branson, and which forced changes to child abduction laws in Britain. Paulette Moray hasn't seen her son and daughter since they were snatched off a London street thirty years ago at the ages of 4 and 2 and smuggled out of the UK, after their father lost one of Britain's bitterest custody battles on record and took revenge. Now, thanks to an investigator's kiwi ingenuity and the most audacious plan to catch a kidnapper ever hatched, the mother who never forgot her lost children has finally found them again after three long decades...

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