Corsica Trekking GR20 (Trailblazer Trekking Guides) by David Abram
Corsica Trekking GR20 (Trailblazer Trekking Guides) by David Abram PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
35 detailed trekking maps showing walking times, places to stay and points of interest, with detailed route descriptions for the entire GR20
Practical information planning your trip; travelling to Corsica from other parts of Europe, North America and Australasia; getting to the trailheads; historical and cultural background; what to see; health and safety; minimizing your impact on the environment; French and Corsican language sections
Accommodation and restaurants reviews of places to stay and eat at all budgets, from luxury heritage hotels to the pick of Corsica's gîtes, hostels and restaurants
Gateway towns comprehensive guides to Ajaccio, Bastia and Calvi
Corsican flora full-color photo guide to the island’s flora
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