Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Successful R Therapy: Fixing the Hardest Sound in the World by Pam Marshalla

Successful R Therapy: Fixing the Hardest Sound in the World by Pam Marshalla

Successful R Therapy: Fixing the Hardest Sound in the World

Successful R Therapy: Fixing the Hardest Sound in the World by Pam Marshalla PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Excellent for student and professional SLPs. Facilitate correct R in the most difficult clients with this unique blend of oral-motor and traditional articulation therapy. Understand how the jaw, lips, and tongue work for correct R production. Understand the difference between the Consonantal and the Vocal R, and between a Tip R and a Back R. Motivate clients to participate and succeed in R therapy. Material appropriate for clients two years of age and above. This book is being used as supplemental reading material in college and university courses on articulation.

"It's a terrific book!"
Jean DeGaetano
Great Ideas for Teaching (GIFT)

"Our SLPs love it!!"
M. Thomas Webber, Jr.
Super Duper Publications

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