Today's Moment of Truth: Devotions to Deepen Your Faith in Christ by Lee Strobel, Mark Mittelberg
Today's Moment of Truth: Devotions to Deepen Your Faith in Christ by Lee Strobel, Mark Mittelberg PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Why do you believe what you believe? How can you know your faith is credible?
Many Christians today struggle to answer these questions. Though you may know what you believe, the why and how behind the thought can be complex, confusing, and even mysterious.
In Today’s Moment of Truth, bestselling author Lee Strobel articulates in 180 easy-to-read devotions the reasons why Christians believe what they believe. Combining his expertise in apologetics with his journalistic approach to parsing out the details, this devotionalwill leave you deeply encouraged and well-informed. Topics range from scientific discoveries to theological explanations, and each devotion is followed by a brief reflection and prayer for meditation.
The time has come to walk confidently in your faith. Today’s Moment of Truth will be an invaluable tool as you grow in your understanding of and faith in Christ.
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