Managing the Diabetic Foot (1st Edition) by Michael E Edmonds, Alethea VM Foster
Managing the Diabetic Foot (1st Edition) by Michael E Edmonds, Alethea VM Foster PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Diabetic foot problems lead to more amputations than any other pathology. As a result, visual recognition of presenting clinical signs is a vital component of early diagnosis and treatment. This book provides a practical and succinct guide to the whole process of managing the diabetic foot. Many years of experience have led the authors to devise simple, effective techniques to help diagnosis and treat diabetic foot problems seen both in the hospital and in the community. The fundamental approach is based on a new, simple staging system of the natural history of the diabetic foot, providing a framework for diagnosis and management which will be of value to all practitioners who care for the diabetic foot. The book is designed to be portable and yet contains sufficient, easily accessible information to enable the practitioner to make rapid, effective decisions which will prevent deterioration and progression to amputation.From reader reviews:
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