Jumat, 26 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Mindful Coaching: How Mindfulness Can Transform Coaching Practice by Liz Hall

Mindful Coaching: How Mindfulness Can Transform Coaching Practice by Liz Hall

Mindful Coaching: How Mindfulness Can Transform Coaching Practice

Mindful Coaching: How Mindfulness Can Transform Coaching Practice by Liz Hall PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Practicing mindfulness can give people more insight into their emotions, boost their attention and concentration and improve relationships.

Mindful Coaching shows coaches how to use mindfulness in working with clients on a range of issues including work-life balance; stress management; decision-making; coping with ambiguity; dealing with crises; employee engagement; heightening focus and clarity; communication; increasing presence; improved listening. 

With case studies, resources and tools, this book explains the benefits of mindfulness and illustrates how it can be applied with clients and how it can be useful in various situations.

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