Promises Kept by Delores Leggett Walker
Promises Kept by Delores Leggett Walker PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Dear Reader, In a horrifying nightmare come to life, Loren Shaw relived one of her most terrifying moments. But, who will believe her? Torn between what she knows and the burden of proof, Loren must follow God’s leading and trust Him for protection. Meanwhile, life moves forward in Monroe. People fall in love, wedding bells ring and babies are born. Underlying the everyday events, Loren follows the path of her destiny that takes her and Colton thousands of miles from home to an unusual location that is lost in time. The twists and turns in Promises Kept will grab you from the start and keep you guessing and gasping as you frantically turn the pages to see what happens next. Happy reading, DeloresFrom reader reviews:
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