Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ The Order of the Gnostics: Ancient Teachings for the Modern Gnostic by Mr. Moe Bedard

The Order of the Gnostics: Ancient Teachings for the Modern Gnostic by Mr. Moe Bedard

The Order of the Gnostics: Ancient Teachings for the Modern Gnostic

The Order of the Gnostics: Ancient Teachings for the Modern Gnostic by Mr. Moe Bedard PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Learn the truth about the ancient secrets of the Gnostics and Illuminati. The first book of its kind to help the modern truth seeker walk their paths in truth, light, and love. Within these pages you will also discover a new form of Gnosticism that honors the old wisdom teachings, but also offers a completely new modern mode of Gnostic thought that uses science to explain many of these ancient myths, allegories, and parables. This new form of Gnosticism is what I would like to simply call, "Modern Gnosis." It is where the ancient mysteries and science blend as one. Real life Gnostic modes of living that can often be verified by science, to then be utilized by you in real-time in your own life. A sort of instruction manual on how to reach your own Gnosis and help you discover, or help along your own path. I do this by sharing my own experiences and with various stories and facts about the secret mysteries of Gnosticism that have never been revealed until now. I would like to also warn you that this book is not about the history of the Gnostics. There are many great books from some awesome authors on this subject. In my next book I will cover a secret untold history of the Gnostics that has never been told before. The facts are that in the not so distant past, the words of wisdom within these pages would have been deemed too dangerous for mankind, heretical to the church and doomed to the flames of oblivion. Millions of books have been burned over the teachings of Gnosis over the last couple thousands of years, and probably just as many people. At one time, people lived and died by the words they spoke, wrote, and read. With that said, the good news I bring to you is that this book is more about the secret teachings of ancient Gnosis and the sacred art of being a true Gnostic. We Brothers and Sisters of the Light are blessed to live in such a time where we can freely share knowledge and true wisdom with one another. Come take a walk with me on the path of illumination to learning the true origins of the first Gnostics. By reading The Order of the Gnostics, you are embarking on the noble path to your own initiation into the most ancient Order of the Gnostics. To become an official member of the eternal Sons and Daughters of Light connected through the golden thread of time who choose to live through the heart by love, truth, and respect for all living creatures, races, cultures, religions and people.

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