Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Gender, Culture, and Consumer Behavior

Gender, Culture, and Consumer Behavior

Gender, Culture, and Consumer Behavior

Gender, Culture, and Consumer Behavior PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book covers the gamut of topics related to gender and consumer culture. Changing gender roles have forced scholars and practitioners to re-examine some of the fundamental assumptions and theories in this area. Gender is a core component of identity and thus holds significant implications for how consumers behave in the marketplace. This book offers innovative research in gender and consumer behavior with topics relevant to psychology, marketing, advertising, sociology, women’s studies and cultural studies. It offers 16 chapters of cutting-edge research on gender, international culture and consumption. Unique to this volume is its emphasis on consumption and masculinity and inclusion of topics on a rapidly changing world of issues related to culture and gender in advertising, communications, psychology and consumer behavior.

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