Created to Worship: God's Invitation to Become Fully Human by Brent D. Peterson
Created to Worship: God's Invitation to Become Fully Human by Brent D. Peterson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
For pastors and worship leaders, planning a meaningful, relevant, and theologically rich communal worship experience for their local churches is of the upmost importance. They are forced to consider how to meet the demands of the modern congregation without getting in the way of what God is doing through worship.Created to Worship: God s Invitation to be Fully Human is a resource that provides a theology of worship in the Wesleyan tradition that will help church leaders consider and be discerning in both how they plan for a worship service, as well as the actual planning that goes into crafting a meaningful and authentic experience. It will teach them to ask, and answer the question, What does God want to say and do today?
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